Saturday 9 July 2011

Nissan Micra finance deal - not good!

Just saw an ad on TV for new Nissan Micras for $49 per week - sounds great!  Considering I bought a ford fiesta for $80 per week.  But I then clicked a few clicks and discovered that it is a dud of a deal.  You pay $49 for 5 years and then owe $7000 at the end!  And this is to be paid when it is not worth much more than that by then!  Oh, and you have paid $6000 in interest instead of the $4000 I will have paid for a car of the same value.   Not good guys.  The car itself is ok - cheap and cheerful - but inferior to the fiesta, 2, and probably echo.  Bet it runs just fine on the cheap petrol though - although knowing how good my car has been, maybe I would still have bought it anyway.  And I would say that the Micra is not as good for its time as the old micra was in it's.  I wonder how many kids will sign up?  They could get a loan for a decent second hand Echo, fiesta, 2, etc and have a better car for a fraction of the dollars.  Hmmm.